Monday, January 24, 2011

Reflections by Yeo Jun Jie

1) In journalism, it is better to have correct facts rather than opinions, as facts are true no matter from whose point of view. However, for opinions, they are quite subjective and will change with different people. If the facts presented are false, the journalist may be sued for providing wrong information.
2)The journalists have to make sure that the information they publish is true, and they would have to cooperate with other journalists to make sure that the information they have is true and that they are not reporting biased information. They have to accomplish all these factors while trying to be the first few people who report the new news.
3) The readers must be able to judge between true and factual facts with biased opinions. This way, they can have proper information to read for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I think what you are trying to say too is the issue of integrity, which is core to the ethics of journalism. In the cyberworld of online journalism where the speed in which news hit the masses can be a double-edged sword.
