Friday, March 25, 2011

Activity 3: Analysis of Letter by Marcus (13)

Logos are the physical evidence that could support any agruement. People can use them to their advantage.
Pathos are the emotions created. People can target them to their favor.
Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker. An ethos-driven document relies on the reputation of the author.

In the letter, I noticed that there was filled with logos with some pathos in it.

The usage of pathos would be when she gave her own circumstance followed by logos, the evidence, to show her point of view with a emotional appeal. An example of this would be when she wrote 'As a concerned parent who lost a child to a gun accident, I am writing to urge you to support the gun control legislation that will be on the November ballot' in the first paragraph and followed up with all the logos in the following 5 paragraphs. Another example that is within the paragraph itself would be 'The reason that I have such an intense interest in this topic is that my son was killed by a gun (not my own) that belonged to a person who only wanted to protect his household, but it fell into the hands of a child by mistake' where she followed up with the fact, logos, that the gun, even though was supposed to be used for self-defense, when in the hands of a child, can cause serious harm.

The usage of logos is the most, i would say as it covers four paragraphs of the entire letter and it would be when she states a point and gives these numerical numbers, proving her point. The first example would be 'The problem with guns is fairly straightforward: they make it easy to kill or injure a person. Did you know that, according to the F.B.I., approximately 60 percent of all murder victims in the United States in 1994 (about 16,000 people) were killed with firearms?' the point in this example is that the problem with guns is straightforward, they make it easy to kill or injure a person, then backed up the fact that according to the F.B.I., approximately 60 percent of all murder victims in the United States in 1994 (about 16,000 people) were killed with firearms.

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