Thursday, January 27, 2011

Newspaper article ( Shawn Lim Junhe )

Car gets 'Busted'

A school bus crashed into a parent’s car outside School of Science & Technology(SST) yesterday at 7:20:24a.m. and one unconscious.

On a Monday morning, a Bus hired by SST was involved in a car - bus accident. SST principal, The SST principal, Dionne Chua Zong Wei expresses her thoughts: " Ahhhh...... We are deeply sorry for the accident but it was to knowledge that it was the driver's fault.

After further research, it was found that the driver of the 1924 Mercedes 28/95 Wooden Skiff touring car, Arius Hole, was sleeping while driving and was traveling at 2,472 kilometers per hour and the sonic boom starred the bus driver, Yo Jung Jie who instinctively stepped on the gas and crashed on the side of Mr Hole's car.

Mr Arius Hole flew 13 kilometers from the crash site and so happened to land in the sea where he suffer 59 broken bones, a pieced lung, a ruptured kidney, a broken spine and cracked skull. After that, he was seen climbing out of the sea and was taken to the hospital while was recover completely 2 hours upon reaching. Mr Yo was unconscious and sent to the hospital immediately.

However, Mr Hole insists the he was not in the wrong and demand $1 from Mr yo to cover his medical fees.

Currently, the police are taking down the statements of Mr Yo, Mr Hole and Mrs Chua. If Mr Hole is found guilty, he will be given $1,000,000 USD.

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